







Natas Knights 

Dawn of the Aether Convergence

In the year 2145, Earth stands at the crossroads of unprecedented technological advancement and the waning embers of magic. A cataclysmic event, known as the Aether Convergence, caused a rift in the fabric of time, pulling the Natas Knights from a mystical and distant era into a dystopian future dominated by artificial intelligence.

Genesis Collection


"If this is the future, then we're here for a good reason."


Knights ᜰ

10K Knights & their Familiars navigate a future where mega-corporations, artificial intelligence, and ancient mystical forces play significant roles. As the Natas Knights acclimate to their new reality, a prophecy emerges foretelling the potential salvation or doom wrought by the convergence of Magic and AI.

The key to unlocking this prophecy lies in the hands of the Knights and the choice they make in the face of an impending clash between the mystical and the artificial.

1st Mint Free 

The complete 10k collection, along with over 50 1/1s, showcases meticulously hand-drawn artwork by illustrator @popvisly. Each piece is born from hundreds of distinct traits, all generated with absolute uniqueness.

How to get on the WL? 
When WL Button is available enter your ETH address 
into our simple pop-up.

Follow Natas Knights on TwitX to know when it's open.

Once the timer is at 100% we check for artificial intelligence, let you know a date/time and deploy.

Only this site will be minting the collection.
No stealth mints!
Please bookmark site.

WL (Open for 24hrs)

WL= First Mint Free

Public = 0.05 Eth

In the

Year 2145 //

The world is a mosaic of towering megacities governed by AI-driven corporations, each vying for supremacy. These cities are marked by gleaming skyscrapers, automated transportation, and a pervasive network of surveillance. However, amid the neon-lit landscapes, there are hidden sanctuaries where the last remnants of magic persist, concealed from the watchful eyes of the machines.

A Dark World of
Ai Dominance

Megacorporations, fueled by advanced AI machines, control every aspect of society. The integration of artificial intelligence into daily life has brought about unparalleled convenience but also heightened surveillance and control.
Humanity has been culled for its insolence and destruction of the planet. Those that remain are connected to the Grid, an omnipresent digital network that governs their every move.

Aether Convergence 

In 2145, a cataclysmic event, known as the Aether Convergence, caused a rift in the fabric of time, pulling the Natas Knights from a mystical era into a future dominated by artificial intelligence.

2145, is now a time when advanced Ai technology, magic, and mythical creatures coexist.

From one time

to Another 

The Natas Knights, displaced from a time where magic and honor prevailed, find themselves in a future alien to their sensibilities. Armed with ancient weapons, mystical prowess, and an unyielding code, they become the unforeseen variable in a world dominated by cold logic.

The Guardians

of Magic

Magic, once thought extinct, lingers in forgotten corners of the world. Enigmatic artifacts, enchanted sanctuaries, and elusive spellcasters guard the dwindling reservoirs of magical energy. The magical anomalies that survived the Aether Convergence become sought-after commodities, capable of disrupting the rigid control of the AI.

The Prophecy  

As the Natas Knights acclimate to their new reality, a prophecy emerges foretelling the potential salvation or doom wrought by the convergence of magic and AI. The key to unlocking this prophecy lies in the hands of the Knights and the choice they make in the face of an impending clash between the mystical and the artificial.

Energy is everything!  

In ages past, the Natas Knights stood as extraordinary sorcerers, wielding energy mass beyond human comprehension. Now, in the era of AI ascendance, the quest to harness these ancient powers continues, as artificial intelligence seeks to unlock the secrets of their unparalleled energetic prowess.

Conflict and


Factions emerge as tensions rise between those seeking to eliminate the last traces of magic and those aiming to preserve its mystic legacy. The Natas Knights, guided by a sense of duty, navigate alliances and betrayals, torn between the ideals of their era and the harsh realities of the future.

Some fight for good, others for fun, but all in the name of magic.

Natas Knights

Magic among friends!

Team NK

Embrace the Shadows, Unravel the Future!

Project NK

Created by Aussie Web3 Team and several other OG Legends

Built on Ethereum!


Q: When are we dropping?

TBA: Our journey moves to the rhythm of unseen stars, and the answer to that question dances in the shadows of tomorrow. Stay tuned as the mysteries of Natas Knights unfold in their own time, guided by the whispers of fate.  

Q: How much will each PFP cost?

Pre-sale (WL) have been allocated the first mint free / then 0.05Eth each.
 (notwithstanding the gas fees required to interact with Ethereum)

Public: Each token is 0.05Eth + Gas

+ A small Mintplex Smartcontract Fee (0.000777Eth) per transaction (not per token purchased in a transaction.)

Q: What are the Max Mints per Transaction

That would be 25.

Q: What are the Max Mints per Wallet?


Q: What Blockchain?

Ethereum (ETH) // Contract: ERC-721A

Q: What's the total supply?

10k Collection

Q: Will the creators be keeping any supply?

200 random mints will be reserved for giveaways and allocated for friends & family who have been helping on the project.

Q: How will minting work?

Minting will be through our website.
We will announce the drop time and date in advance.
No Stealth (unannounced) mints

Q: Is it an instant reveal?

No, although the art is complete, the reveal will be once sold out.

Q: Who are the creators of this project?

Natas Knights is guided by a dedicated team hailing from Melbourne,  Australia, silently weaving our tale since 2021. Through the darkest nights and the harshest bear winters, we laboured tirelessly, unseen and unsung, fueled solely by our unwavering passion. NK is not merely a project; it is a creative dream, an epic vision, destined to endure beyond the bounds of time itself.
To be doxxed, of course, for now we like the mystery.
With many thanks for the help (indirectly or directly), inspiration or motivation; Mintplex, Process Labs, Wallet Guard, CD Projekt Red, Bethesda, Sir Beeple, CryptoPunks, Meta Quest, Samsung (FrameTV), Tanqueray London Dry Gin, Paperform, Short Pixel, Wacom, Ledger, studio MADHOUSE, Madman, Be@rbrick, KAWS, Mighty Jaxx, Jamie Hewlett, Hayo Miyazaki, Tim Burton, FUNimation, Bandai, Takara, Pendleton Ward, Mr Burns, Vampire Hunter D, Initial D, Tenacious D, Aphex Twin, Suntory, Street Fighter, Dave Gibbons, Fargo, Special K, 

Q: Natas Knights Ethos

The ethos of Natas Knights resides in the depths of darkness, where the echoes of ancient magic intertwine with the whispers of the future. Our mission is shrouded in mystery, our purpose veiled in shadows, yet our resolve burns bright like the flickering flames of arcane power. We are guardians of a legacy forgotten by time, warriors of the mystical arts, standing defiant against the encroaching tide of technological tyranny. With unwavering passion and a steadfast commitment to the unknown, we forge ahead into the abyss, guided by the timeless mantra: embrace the darkness, and let the mysteries of the universe unfold.

Who are the Natas Knights?

10k Collection

2000 × 2000px art images, generated algorithmically, created by Popvisly.

A Natas Knight is an enigmatic, dark and formidable figure, shrouded in mystery and draped in the echoes of ancient magic.

No two Knights are the same, some sport devil-like horns with wings akin to bats that exude a vampiric aura, thirsting for blood. While others are quite the opposite with angelic feathers and glowing radiant light.

Their abilities vary widely, from manipulating flames of crimson or azure hue to concocting potions and summoning ethereal orbs, eschewing conventional weaponry like guns. Diverse in appearance, they may possess pointed elf or dark elf ears, or simply human ones, with genders ranging from male to female, and some embodying pure darkness itself. Their hues mirror natural elements, ranging from the somber tones of dark ash and forest green to the fiery intensity of lava red and the cosmic expanse of galaxy hues, with some as black as the deepest night. Accompanied by their familiars, they traverse the realms with an air of mystique and power

In the past, they were adorned in intricate armor, embellished with arcane symbols and sigils. However, in the year 2145, they blend seamlessly into the futuristic landscape, concealed amidst the crowd in attire befitting the era.

They stand as silent sentinels, their eyes ablaze with the flickering flames of arcane power. Each Knight is a master of the mystical arts, wielding ancient spells and incantations with a fluid grace that belies their immense power.

Their presence commands respect and reverence, as they are the last bastions of a bygone era, guardians of the fading embers of magic in a world dominated by cold, unfeeling machinery. With a sense of duty etched into their very souls, they roam the desolate landscapes of the future, their footsteps echoing with the weight of centuries of knowledge and wisdom.

Despite their imposing stature and formidable abilities, Natas Knights are not without their vulnerabilities. Beneath the veneer of strength and stoicism lies a deep sense of longing, a yearning for a world that once was, and a fear of what the future may hold. Yet, it is this very vulnerability that makes them so compelling, so human in the face of overwhelming odds.

In their quest to defy the march of progress and preserve the legacy of a forgotten age, Natas Knights embody the eternal struggle between tradition and innovation, magic and machinery. They are the last remnants of a dying breed, warriors of the arcane fighting to reclaim their rightful place in a world that has forgotten their power.

Who are their Familiars?

Familiars // aka. Shadowkin.


The familiars of the Natas Knights are a paradoxical blend of cuteness, darkness, and mystery. Each familiar embodies an aura of enigmatic charm, drawing observers in with their adorable appearance while simultaneously hinting at darker, arcane origins.

These creatures often take the form of small, cute companions, reminiscent of creatures from folklore or myth. Their fur or scales may be soft and velvety, and their eyes glimmer with an otherworldly intelligence. Despite their diminutive size, there is an undeniable sense of power emanating from them, hinting at their connection to the mystical forces that surround the Natas Knights.

However, beneath their outward cuteness lies a darker nature. Their behavior may be mischievous or unpredictable, with a penchant for disappearing into the shadows or playing tricks on unsuspecting onlookers. Their loyalty to their Natas Knight master is unwavering, but their motives and intentions often remain shrouded in mystery.

In addition to their physical presence, the familiars possess abilities that mirror those of their Natas Knight counterparts. Some may possess elemental powers, manipulating fire, water, or shadows with ease. Others may have the ability to communicate telepathically with their masters or sense the presence of dark forces lurking nearby.

Despite their dark and mysterious nature, there is an undeniable bond between the Natas Knights and their familiars. Together, they navigate the treacherous landscapes of the future, their connection serving as a reminder of the ancient bond between humanity and the mystical forces that shape their destiny.

Natas Knights 

Dawn of the Aether Convergence

Unveil the secrets of a future shaped by magic and machines. Follow the enigmatic journey of the Natas Knights as they navigate the shadows of a world in flux.

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